Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Maxim magazine article

Maxim magazine's March 2006 issue has an article called "What Really Brought Down the Towers?" I went out and bought this issue, even though the article is on their website. The profound is surrounded by the trivial: the article is sandwiched in between an ad for Bud Light and a stupid article about dating, written for cavemen, who I assume make up the primary audience for Maxim magazine. Maybe this is a good thing...if the article had appeared in something more esoteric (which would be almost anything!), how many drooling frat boys would become 9/11 truth believers? Yeah, right. They're probably ignoring the article completely in favor of the magazine's generous amount of "spank" material. I think you know what I mean...

So anyway, great for Maxim magazine for having the balls to put this out there. The major newspapers? Forget it. The left-leaning monthlies and weeklies like The Nation, In These Times, The Progressive, The American Prospect? They won't touch it. The "left-wing gatekeepers," as Webster G. Tarpley calls them. Basically, the internet is the place to go for 9/11 info, and 911blogger.com continues to have the most up-to-date, best info available.


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