Wednesday, October 26, 2005

2000 U.S. soldiers dead

That's right - 2000 U.S. soldiers dead, as of yesterday. Thousands and thousands of dead Iraqis. Lies to justify the invasion. No exit strategy. No accountability.

Aren't you sick of all this yet? That's my question to Bush voters. You really wanted this? You couldn't see through this man the second time around? Meanwhile, Senator Kerry is giving a speech today demanding an exit strategy and explaining (yet again) why this whole mess was a bad idea. Why didn't you listen to him last year? Were you really that stupid?

And after all the lies about Iraq, and all the deaths, do you think Bush is gonna stop this nonsense? And do you think the people who died on 9/11 mean any more to him than all those 2000 dead soldiers?

How angry would you be if you found out that 9/11 wasn't what you thought it was? Would you be surprised if they lied to us about that, too?


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