Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Air America home page, 10/4/05

The Mike Malloy Show

With host Mike Malloy


Tuesday (10-4-05)

Odd how any discussion of the events of September 11, 2001, that does not follow the basic Bush Crime Family/media story line - 19 Muslim hijackers flew various commandeered jetliners into various U.S. buildings killing thousands - odd how a different story line or challenge to the Conventional Wisdom immediately confers on the challenger the label "conspiracy theorist." Odd, also, that before one digs into the various contradictions surrounding that day's events one must don one's "tinfoil hat." How has it come to this? With no corroborating evidence supporting the "official" story and no corroborating evidence supporting the "conspiracy theories," a decision has been made to go with the former and discount entirely the latter. This is the same way one designs and operates a religion. Further, it is the same manner in which a challenge to religious mythology is met with declarations that the challenger is an apostate who is, de facto, condemned, lost, doomed to the everlasting fires of Hell or whatever post-death environment has been constructed by the true keepers of the Faith. Have the events of that awful day, then, become a religious construct, not to be challenged lest the reality-based world intrude (and destroy) the myth? These questions arise naturally (or they should) as the insanity of the Bush Administration is revealed day after day, official appointment after official appointment, press conference after press conference. The latest "conspiracy theory?" It has been discovered that a contagious bacteria (which has been used in biological warfare) was detected in the same area where recent antiwar protesters gathered in Washington, DC. The story, as reported by the Washington Post, quotes federal authorities (unnamed) who assure the reader that such an occurrence was not, absolutely not, the result of "nefarious activity." In fact, a perfectly logical explanation will result from a thorough government investigation and any speculation to the contrary is nothing more than, well, a conspiracy theory. Mike will wear his tinfoil hat during tonight's program.


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