Michael Moore
Just a few thoughts about Michael Moore and 9/11. In February of 2002, Michael Moore spoke at a church in Cambridge, MA. I went to hear him speak. He touched on the subject of 9/11, and at one point he asked the audience, "What does your common sense tell you about hijacking planes and flying them into buildings?" Someone in the audience said, "That's really hard to do." He agreed, and he also said that the planes were flying at a speed of over 500 mph, so fast that aviation experts were amazed that the planes hadn't broken up in mid-air. He also talked about the bin Laden family being flown out of the country on private flights a few days after 9/11.
But his most memorable quote of the evening was when he said that in his opinion, "9/11 was a military operation, and the people involved knew exactly what they were doing." This is something he does not bring up in Fahrenheit 9/11. But he knows that there was more to 9/11 than what he brought up in the movie. He made a movie that the public could handle, psychologically. Interestingly, I think that if 9/11 truth ever does go mainstream, or if the truth is somehow revealed, that Fahrenheit 9/11 will become even more compelling. It seems to point in the direction of government/military complicity without actually saying so.
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