Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Webster Tarpley's book

I just got back from Barnes & Noble, where I bought my special-order copy of 9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made in USA by Webster Griffin Tarpley. I spent about an hour reading through it in the cafe. It's really something - it ratchets up 9/11 truth to a new level by going into a history of state-sponsored terrorism, in the US and elsewhere. It also dares to talk about the network of organizations that were likely responsible for carrying out the attacks. Fascinating stuff. I highly recommend it, and I haven't even finished it!

You can see some video of Mr. Tarpley and other 911 truth people at 911busters.com.

He has his own website, too: http://www.tarpley.net/welcome.html

Well, time to get back to my reading of this important new contribution to 911 research...


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