Sunday, September 18, 2005

Welcome to Indiana 9/11 Truth first blog. This is exciting. I have no idea what will happen with this little adventure, but I guess that's part of the fun.

Let me get right to the point. I'm a librarian. I've been a librarian for seven years. My job is to help people find information. It's a great feeling, helping people find information - everything from "where's the bathroom?" to "can you help me find information about gall bladder surgery?" Whatever piece of truth people are looking for, I help them find it. I do it with a great attitude, although sometimes it takes great patience, because sometimes people can be a real challenge. Maybe you've noticed. Also, sometimes finding information can be a real challenge. There's a lot of information in the world. There's good information, bad information, and missing information. My reason for creating this blog is to tell people that there is information about the September 11th terrorist attacks that has largely "gone missing" - information that the average American doesn't even know exists.

I'm calling it "Indiana 9/11 Truth" because it's my hope that Indiana residents, in particular, will learn a few things from it. Of course, anyone is welcome to join the party at any time. I also hope that other people across the country will eventually create their own blogs devoted to this issue.

So, that's my official welcome! My next post will delve right into the heart of the subject.


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