Sunday, September 18, 2005

So, what is "9/11 truth"?

Well, it's a term that many people are using to indicate that there are problems with the official 9/11 story, as told to us through the typical news media outlets, and by the 9/11 Commission.

Now, at this point, it's probably a good idea for me to mention that until about a year ago, maybe a little more than that, I believed the official 9/11 story, which goes something like this: a crazy man in a cave in Afghanistan masterminded the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. The attacks were carried out by 19 hijackers armed with boxcutters. They overpowered the pilots, the crew, and the passengers, and they flew the planes directly into their targets, killing thousands of people. They did it because they were Muslim extremists and they hated our freedoms.

I would guess that most Americans probably still believe this story. And who could blame them, really? Most of us are wired into TV for countless hours a day. Most of us are too tired from overworking ourselves at our silly jobs that we don't have time to wade through the bad information, or to seek out the missing information. Most of us don't even want to get the point where we're asking questions. We just want to plop down in front of the idiot box and forget about everything. We simply do not care about this stuff.

This is one of the reasons I wanted to become a librarian - I wanted to fight against this awful tendency that we have to be passive and uncritical of what goes on in the world. Every community needs a place where people can go to get access to real information, where there are people like me who are paid to help them find it.

So what is this information about September 11th that's missing? One of the best places to go for a summation of the 911 truth movement is Your homework for tonight is as follows: go to this article at wikipedia and read through it. This is an excellent place for everyone to start.


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