Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Congressman Chocola's response

Here is Representative Chris Chocola's response to a letter I sent him back in November, asking him specifically about 9/11 truth issues. Unfortunately, I don't have a copy of my letter to share with you, only his response. I asked the usual questions about commercial planes vs. military planes, controlled demolitions, explosions going off in the WTC, and so on.

Notice how he completely sidesteps the questions I asked him about whether or not the events of 9/11 occurred the way we were told! In fact, there's no mention of 9/11 controversy at all, just a bland, general response about the "war on terror."

November 22, 2005

Mr. Andy Schmidt

Dear Andy:

Thank you for contacting me regarding the ongoing war on terror. It
was good to hear from you.

I appreciate your letting me know your thoughts on this important
issue. As you know, the tragic events of September 11th, 2001 opened
America's eyes to the urgency of the task of confronting terrorism.
Under President Bush's leadership, America has taken the fight to the
terrorists rather than fighting America's enemies in our own cities and streets.

Toward that end, America has assembled a broad coalition of allies
comprised of 84 nations who share the goal of defeating this threat.
This war is being fought daily on many fronts. Diplomatic, military, law
enforcement, economic, and espionage tools are being focused on this
task. The newly-created Department of Homeland Security and other
federal, state, and local agencies, equipped with the much-needed
reforms enacted by the Patriot Act, are working to keep Americans safe at home.

As a result of these efforts, fully 70% of senior al-Qaeda leadership
and more than 3,400 lower-level operatives or associates have been
detained or killed by the United States and its allies. In Iraq, currently
the central front of the war on terror, the tyrannical regime of Saddam
Hussein, who for decades financed terrorism while torturing and
enslaving his own people, has been brought to an end with the dictator's capture.

This demonstrated success illustrates the need for continued resolve
in confronting the terrorist threat head-on. While they are weakened and
scattered, al-Qaeda and other associated groups have repeatedly
signaled their intent to attack the United States and its interests abroad.

I will continue to work in Congress to confront the threats facing
America and to help keep our nation secure. Again, thank you for your
letter. I hope that you will not hesitate to contact me again.

Yours truly,

Chris Chocola
Member of Congress

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