9/11 truth conference
Okay, jumping ahead a few months...since March I quit my stupid part-time job and am happily teaching piano lessons.
I went to the 9/11 truth conference in Chicago from June 2nd to June 4th. It was great to be there and be around fellow thinking, fearless human beings. I met some wonderful people and had a good time. The presentations were mostly really good - informative, interesting, and in some cases, revelatory.
I picked up some multimedia stuff there, along with some print material, and a bumper sticker - "911 Ask Questions, Demand Answers."
I got to meet Webster Tarpley! We shook hands, and he gave me his card. I also had a lovely little chat with Carol Brouillet on the Sunday morning of the conference (the 4th). We were talking, and then Kevin Ryan and his wife came by to say hello to her. I didn't realize who he was, exactly - he worked for Underwriters Laboratories in South Bend until about two years ago, I think, when he was fired for asking questions about the steel in the WTC.
Carol was talking about how the League of Women Voters kicked her out of a candidates' debate in her district in California, for asking questions about 9/11. She was told that that was a "partisan issue," and that she couldn't talk about it. Interesting. I joked that her questions must have offended both parties equally. She and Mr. Ryan laughed at that.
Barbara Honegger talked at Jim Marrs' presentation, about her research into what happened at the Pentagon. This was fascinating. According to her information, a bomb went off there at 9:32am - she said there were hundreds of people who were eyewitnesses to this event. She referenced Jim Fetzer's article that mentions the two Sky Warrior Air Force planes that had been redesigned with remote control technology. This article is available on st911.org.
This week I sent a packet of 9/11 information to Joe Donnelly, the 2nd district Democratic candidate for the House. So far, no response. I urged him to take a stand on 9/11 truth. I really doubt that he will take any kind of public stance on it until it's politically safe for him to do so. I'd love to be proven wrong!
Keep it up. The world needs warriors for truth. We need to keep on getting the word out there.
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