James Frey
Remember the recent flap about author James Frey and how he made up a bunch of stuff for his "memoir" called A Million Little Pieces? The media was shocked, shocked that someone had lied and gotten away with it! Jon Stewart made fun of this on his show. Everyone was so surprised and outraged, but this is what Bush & Co. have been doing to us all along! Where's the outrage about Katrina? Where's the outrage about 9/11?
I've always thought that James Frey should have published his book as fiction. He would have saved himself a lot of trouble.
But when do you think the 9/11 Commission Report will be moved from the nonfiction section of libraries and bookstores to the fiction section? Probably never. Nobody seems to care. We get mad when an author lies about his personal life, but we don't get mad when our government lies to us about a fake terror event that kills thousands of Americans.
Go figure.